Egg unequipping on job change
Posted by No
[Mon Mar 17 00:55:06 2025]
There is now a setting, in the settings command, to control whether
or not your egg slot item gets unequipped along with the rest of
your equipment when changing your job/inherent. By default, eggs
are no longer removed when you change your job/inherent.
The Price of Eggs is Kinda Crazy Right Now
Posted by No
[Wed Mar 12 04:40:22 2025]
Although I considered delaying this change until Easter, we've added
a new equipment slot called Egg. This equipment slot, as you might
have guessed from the name, is used for the eggs that grant various
bonus rewards. XP Eggs, AP Eggs, XP/AP Eggs, DP Eggs, and Rotten
Experience Eggs all go into this slot, instead of using the
accessory or personal slots, so you can wear them alongside the rest
of your equipment instead of using a slot for them.
Additionally, the Rebirth Ring accessory has been renamed to Phoenix
Egg and now uses this slot. This means that if you have a Phoenix
Egg, you aren't gimping yourself by wearing it during a boss fight.
The minimum level 120 requirement for the Phoenix Egg has also been
removed, although you still have to kill Odin to get one, so I don't
actually think the level requirement particularly mattered to begin
New Challengers!
Posted by Oreg
[Wed Mar 5 16:40:49 2025]
Atma Weapon and Magitek Weapon for the FFIII Coliseum Very Hard
challenge tier have gotten updates. The fights should feel largely
the same as the majority of the fixes were behind the curtains
things, but if you find any bugs blame Krugen and message me.
Additionally there is a new arrival for the Very Hard tier. Carrot
the undead malbroro has joined the ranks, and his tactics are a
little different than his coworkers. Carrot starts the combat slow,
but he will steal your stats, and your buffs as the fight
progresses. So maybe consider focusing on status immunities instead
of all those fun little buffs!
Again if there are any bugs or oddities (there will be), blame
Krugen then report them so I can clean up his mess.
Ancient Castle
Posted by Oreg
[Wed Mar 5 14:54:10 2025]
Ancient Castle below Figaro in the FFIII realm has joined the list
of areas no longer governed by the tyrannical might of a generator.
More Plentiful Trials
Posted by Rynn
[Sun Mar 2 21:19:42 2025]
Sage Joch's Trial is now a lot more populated with monster, as the
generator has been disabled. Have fun!